Sunday, June 16, 2013

First Week -- Zone Conferences June 2013

Texarkana Zone
Shreveport Zone

The U Set-up

We Do a lot of Practicing....Makes excellent missionaries!

Car Inspections were complete by the time we arrived.
I still really love seeing all the cars lined up,
clean and perfect, hoods and trunks open.
After a wonderful lunch provided by the Relief Society for us,
we circle up, sing a song to say thank you, and give out the awards for the best-kept cars.
The BOSH Award
(Big Ol' Shiny Hubcap)
And the winners are.....

Ruston Zone
Monroe Zone

Ready to teach, ready to learn.

Clean and shiny, inside and out.
So is the car.
More BOSH Awards

Sister's Specialized Training is the following day.

Clinton Zone
Jackson Zone

Lots of picture-taking!
We like this U set up for teaching and training.
BOSH Awards are a real highlight of Zone Conference
Here are more winners.
We're so proud of all of them!

Sister's Specialized Training
Productive, Informative, Endearing, Fun!

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